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Revista USP

Print version ISSN 0103-9989


MEDEIROS, Claudia Bauzer. Computação: o terceiro pilar. Rev. USP [online]. 2011, n.89, pp. 134-147. ISSN 0103-9989.

This article examines the Brazilian scenario of computer activities as a science - and not just as a tool, which is the prevailing view of those who do not work in this area. It starts with some historical data and a quantitative presentation of our scientific production and human resource formation; and ends with a qualitative analysis. Thus, it shows that in this area the good Brazilian groups are comparable to first-rate foreign groups - both quantitatively and qualitatively. Such comparison of positive aspects is also extended to the problems found, here and all around the world, with attracting young people and in multidisciplinary training. The article stresses the singular role of the Brazilian Computer Society as a driving propeller of big nationwide research networks, and highlights Brazilian initiatives in this area, which has achieved world repercussion.

Keywords : computing; science; Brazilian Computer Society.

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