ISSN 103-9989 printed version |
Created in 1989, Revista USP first and foremost seeks to be a window into the university academic production. As a printed publication aiming at being a bridge between the university and society, its editorial project is based on multidisciplinarity, with essays by collaborators both from within and outside the University of São Paulo. In each issue emphasis is given to one theme in the Dossier section, the publication’s flagship. Revista USP is comprised of other sections; and one of them is Homage, normally dedicated to distinguished personalities, either current or recently deceased. The Texts section, which is made up of miscellaneous articles, may include essays on physics and biochemistry or even literary criticism and religion. There is also the Books section, in which important works or books recently released are analyzed. The magazine has also a section named Archive, with classical texts on literary criticism and theory, translated exclusively for the magazine. Revista USP is always concerned with the quality of the text it publishes. The Editorial Advisory Board is in charge of choosing the texts to be published; and they might be commissioned (usually those making up the Dossier section) or submitted spontaneously – in this case, no guarantee of publication is made or implied. Revista USP, a quarterly publication issued by the Social Communication Office (CCS/USP), has a print run of 1,500 copies, and each issue is about 200 pages. |
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