ISSN 103-9989 printed version |
The “Revista” has been offering subscriptions from issue # 7 on (we are now in issue # 92). Revista USP is a cultural vehicle with articles that are essay-natured, which renders the texts more dynamic. Besides that, it is multidisciplinary, open to all trends. Another factor makes it special: the indisputable quality of its collaborators, which enables it to be a standard of excellence in the Brazilian cultural universe. In each issue published at least 20 texts are signed by the most renowned authors in their fields. Multidisciplinary and prejudice-free, Revista USP does not privilege just one approach or group, as it is open to all tendencies. To sign up for an yearly subscription of Revista USP (4 issues) you just need to either send a check for deposit only and made payable or make a bank deposit to (Banco do Brasil - branch 1897-X; bank account 6837-3) under the name of Coordenadoria de Comunicação Social/USP [Social Communication Office], CNPJ [corporate taxpayer number]: 63.025.530/0053-35. Check or deposit must be worth R$ 70.00. Renewing a subscription costs R$ 60.00. Each issue costs R$ 20.00. An international subscription costs R$ 194.00; and an individual issue costs R$ 53.00 (postage fees included). You can send evidence of payment to the fax number (11) 3091-4438. The address of Revista USP is: Avenida Corifeu de Azevedo Marques, 1975, 1o. andar, CEP 05581-001, Butantã, São Paulo, SP. For information call (11) 3091-4403 or write to When subscribing or renewing a subscription you are given one issue at your choice. |
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